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Disability Rights UK

Their Vision

Equal participation for all

Disability Rights UK has a vision for a society where everyone can participate equally.

Their Mission

Disabled people leading change

  • Within 3 years, they will enable at least 50,000 diverse disabled people to have voice and influence, connecting with each other and with them. They support change agents and enable disabled people to exert power and influence.   
  • Disability Rights UK will work in partnership with other Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) to showcase approaches to social, economic and public participation and share learning, including through joint projects.
  • They will work with many organisations in a position to act, in all sectors, supporting them in putting disabled people’s priorities at the heart of their policies and practices.
  • They will campaign to strengthen and protect disabled people’s rights. 

DR UK is itself led by people with diverse experiences of disability and health conditions, from different communities. They work with allies committed to equal participation for all – ‘Together we can be stronger’.